Friday, July 20, 2007

Volcano tours are not only amazing but they are also educational!

A series of guided hikes to the rim of an erupting volcano will be featured during a summer of field seminars by the Mount St. Helens Institute.

The nonprofit institute focuses on education, research and stewardship at Mount St. Helens. For detailed information about the field seminars or volunteer opportunities, check .

The 2007 field seminars ­include the following:

- Saturday: A guided climb to the crater rim led by Larry Mastin, geologist. Examine volcanic rocks and deposits of various types and ages on the flanks of Mount St. Helens. Cost: $150, maximum of 11 students.

- July 28: A guided climb to the crater rim led by ­Peter Frenzen, plant ecologist. Examine how past eruptions have influenced plant life. Cost: $150, maximum of 11 students.

- Aug. 11: A guided climb to the crater rim led by Gary Walker, lead climbing ranger. View the volcano and crater through the eyes of a local resident who has spent his career managing and protecting forests around the volcano. Cost: $100, maximum of 11 students.

- Sept. 1: A guided exploration of the developing ecosystem north of the crater led by John Bishop, plant ecologist. Learn what determines who lives and who dies in one of the Pacific Northwest's most extreme natural environments from a scientist who has spent two decades studying the valley north of the crater. Cost: $80, maximum of 11 students.

- Sept. 8: A guided climb and introduction to the mountain stewards program led by Gary Walker, lead climbing ranger. An introduction for climbers interested in volunteering for the 2008 Mountain Stewards Program. Cost: $50, maximum of 22 students.

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